The End of a Chapter

Good Monday morning! I’ve been doing some thinking over the last several weeks about my little space here. I have always maintained that I wanted to blog for the sake of inspiring and helping others. I have genuinely loved sharing our meals, creations, lives, our sweet babies, our triumphs and struggles as the blogging community has shown me a great deal of love and compassion. But pretty often now I feel a lack of inspiration. I never want to dread writing a post, and while I’m very proud of my content, I acknowledge it’s pretty redundant. I also want to be protective of us and be perhaps a little more cautious about what I share.

While I didn’t think last Friday’s post would be my last official one, I think that’s almost better. I just gave it thought and realized I would like to close this chapter for now. Who knows if I may ever restart it. Never say never. I want to thank everyone for choosing to make my blog a part of your day. Comments on here and messages that people have sent stating how much my words have helped at times meant the world to me. Sometimes we forget just how much we can help others even with just a simple act of sharing a post.

I want to wish everyone well, and again, thank you for all of your support!

16 thoughts on “The End of a Chapter

  1. I will miss your posts, but I completely understand!! I’m stepping down from KM, too. I just have found myself dreading writing most times, and having a hard time coming up with topics. Maybe it’s just writer‘s block, but I need a break. We should start a podcast together! Now that would be a blast! 😂😂😂


    1. Thank you, Crystal!! You always understand. ❤ Yes, writer's block and just feeling less excited to share. Girl, you know I love to talk, ha!


  2. I have always enjoyed reading your slice of life. I love how you love the little things that make each day nice. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy life, post-free!!

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  3. Kori, your slice of life posts will definitely be missed. Hope they will be fun to look back at years down the road. I do hope that if anything BIG happens in your life you pop in to update/document it! I mean this is your own personal diary online! Also I hope you know all of your readers give a “hoot” about you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You words mean so much, & I appreciate you greatly!! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading as I have truly loved my online diary. I downgraded my site for now (really saddened me to see it change), but I want to leave it here in case I ever want to resume & begin sharing again. Thank you so so much! 🦉💖

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  4. Enjoy this season of taking a break! I’ve done the same in the past. Sometimes you just have to focus on living instead of sharing so much. I completely understand.
    Be well and safe!! 🙂

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  5. Kori!! I am returning to blog world after an unintentional few month hiatus and am very sad to see this post- but also totallly understand. You have had such a positive impact on me through your blog (and I’m sure many others)- you have inspired me to have more creativity in the kitchen, find the beauty in the every day of life, and I also treasure your friendship from here so so much. Your slice of life is beautiful, and I am thankful and honored you have shared it with us through these years. You will be missed!! I have been off of social media for a little bit- but we have to find a way to stay in touch! I send the hugest hug and am wishing you the absolute best as you continue to soak up each day and all life has to offer. ❤ ❤ (P.S. You will be welcomed back into the blogging community with open arms if that inspiration to blog finds you again!)


    1. Mackenzie, your words, kindness, & support mean everything!!!! I am forever grateful that we connected, & I treasure your friendship. I’m so glad I decided to just give blogging a try because it became such an amazing outlet & one that allowed me to meet you. I so want to stay in touch!! I would love to give you my number, & maybe when the severity of Covid-19 lessens, we could meet. I’d still so love for you to visit Knoxville! I’m giving you a huge hug back ❤️❤️❤️ And thank you so much for saying that about me being welcomed back into blogging. Never say never – I may do so again one day. ☺️

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      1. Aw this all means so much to me too! ❤

        I would LOVE to visit Knoxville too & meet up- we are definitely still planning on it one day when this all hopefully calms down! I'm not finding a contact link on your page, but if you want, you could send me an e-mail at so we can exchange numbers & stay in touch 🙂

        And yess- never say never! ❤


        1. I will absolutely do that! I don’t remember if I ever setup my contact on here. 🤦🏼‍♀️

          Since you haven’t been on social media much, which I commend you (!), I wanted to share that Kaci and Drew are expecting their first baby!! I’ll be an aunt. ❤️ Today they’re finding out if they’re having a girl or a boy. We’re all SO excited!

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